Tube Phono with Tube Integrated Amp?

what are the drawbacks (if any) of this setup?  

i recently acquired a VPI Prime (amazing) with a Soundsmith Zephyr MKIII.   using a ProJect Tube Box S (which was a phenomenal upgrade for my previous ProJect Carbon table).  right now, running this through a vintage Kenwood KA-9100, powering Elac UniFi's bookshelf speakers. 

i'm looking to build a 2 channel system that i can grow with, so please disregard the amp/speakers for now.  I've read great things about the Manley Chinook and the Allnic H1201.   in the event that i upgrade to a tube integrated amp in the future, is there any downside?
i've read on this forum that a tube phono is better paired with a solid state amp.  

There is no real downside to owning too many pieces of tube equipment, unless you consider tube maintenance/experimentation to be a bad thing.

Probably those that have said that a tubed phono preamp is better paired with a SS amp feel that way due to their speakers. Some speakers just mate better with SS amps.

I'm running a H1201 with my VPI Prime, and it works very nicely. The Chinook is also nice, as is the Zesto listed above, and don't forget about Herron.
I've been quite happy with my (tube) Eastern Electric phono preamp mated to my PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium integrated.  Been using this combo for the past three-plus years and have no regrets.
I have a Herron VTPH2A paired with my Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 hybrid integrated, and the sound is sublime. 
i prefer a good quality solid state phono preamp with my tube integrated amp.   it sounds spectacular and also closer to my digital sources that way.