IF you want to keep an existing preamp or integrated amp, lacking some features, this Chase RLC-1 provides remote volume, remote balance, remote treble and bass, so you make all adjustments from your listening position.
It’s S/N is 120db, no one can tell if it is in or out of my system.
None on eBay now, this one was sold but it shows it well
It also has built-in fletcher musnon ’loudness’ for bass boost at low volumes, only engages at low volumes.
IF you want to keep an existing preamp or integrated amp, lacking some features, this Chase RLC-1 provides remote volume, remote balance, remote treble and bass, so you make all adjustments from your listening position.
It’s S/N is 120db, no one can tell if it is in or out of my system.
None on eBay now, this one was sold but it shows it well
It also has built-in fletcher musnon ’loudness’ for bass boost at low volumes, only engages at low volumes.