Tube Rolling and the Quest for "perfect sound"

I do own tube equipment (pre-amp & CDP) and prefer the sound to SS; however, I constantly find myself searching for the Next best pair of tubes for that ultimate sound...

In this constant quest, considerable time & money is spent. Moving from tube x I can achieve Y and moving on I can achieve B by purchasing another set... But it is rare to come across one set of tubes thats perfect or is it?

Example--- Lector CDP sound is greatly impacted by the choice of tubes... But which brand & type results in perfect satisfaction.. I constantly see posts of others looking for a better tube to afford them sonic superiority, but do we ever achieve this?

Is better SS the best way to go or tube equipment with soldered tubes which do not allow for variation??

Showing 1 response by lloydelee21

If i get this right, i think your question is:

- do i wish to be able to keep searching for better and better sound with 'tweakable' equipment...or do i wish the manufacturer to restrict my ability to tweak my unit for better sound?

In truth, if you get SS or soldered tubes...that does not mean they cannot be simply means they are harder to tweak. If you get tubed equipment, it does not mean the manufacturer's selected tube is not great...just means you can explore...

Sometimes, when we do not have a choice, we settle in with what we have and can find it satisfying...and when provided with too many choices, we just get caught up in switching forever.

The only suggestion i can give is call Brent Jessee at he is great...bought well over a dozen high-end NOS tubes from him...great warranty, always made good if i returned (which i've only done twice in 10 years). He helped me get tubes for the sound i was looking for...and i have stopped looking. good luck!!!