TV audio

Our living room setup is comprised of a 75" Sony with eARC to KEF Wireless 2s augmented with a pair of KC62 subs. But the internal audio of the Sony TV is so good it rivals the external audio. I may reserve the external audio for Roon and Blue rays. I don’t recall TV audio being as good as it is with our new Sonys. The sound is detailed, the imaging precise, the LF robust.

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Showing 2 responses by nonoise

I have to say I've never heard the new Sony TVs and with a size of 75" (and up), maybe they've come up with the space needed for some good sounding built in speakers. If it's as good as you say, it's a good thing to free up the space and clutter around it. đź‘Ť

All the best,

I can’t wrap my head around what you say about the TV speakers rivaling your audio setup. If you can’t hear the difference, something is seriously amiss.

Try using a real glass Toslink in place of the eARC and see if you hear an improvement. Technics refused to use an HDMI input on their SU-R1000 and SU-G700M2 because they couldn’t figure out a way to stop video noise from contaminating the Audio out with eARC. Apparently, that video noise is present in every HDMI audio out if it’s coming from a TV.

No matter how nice new TVs look, they are not audiophile quality. (just waiting for someone with a scope to scream "look, it’s perfect!")

Technics finally figured it out and it’s now used on their SU-GX70 integrated/streamer. Somehow, they can now properly block it at the input. The minds behind Technics are operating on another level and I thank Panasonic for bringing them back.

All the best,