TWL mod for Rega RB600 arm---help needed

I just got finished reading the years-old discussion thread concerning the fishing weight modification for OL and Rega arms for use with low-compliance cartridges, and I really want to do this but I'm at a loss as to how to go about it. I recently mounted a Denon 103r on my Rega RB600/Rega P25, so I have the perfect set-up that would presumably benefit from doing this mod. Today I bought some 1/2 oz. lead bullet fishing weights to try out, hoping I'd be able to simply blu-tack them on to the ends of the bearing housing bolts. This didn't work because the blu-tack isn't strong enough to hold the weights straight out and they gradually just sag downward. I thought about super-gluing them on but there doesn't seem to be enough surface area making contact for that to work. I read in the old discussion thread about guys drilling and reaming these things out so they would pressure fit over the bolts, but I haven't a clue how to go about doing this and don't really have the tools. So, I'm asking for any and all guidance---or, if one of you is able to fashion some weights for me to use, all the better, and I will pay you handsomely for the trouble! Thanks, Will Herrera

Showing 2 responses by jphii

If you look at my system you will see how I did it. Blu-tack worked for me, but I did Paul's adjustable VTF tweak too.
I matched the weights just because I was having fun in the shop that day. I bought one big weight, cut it in half, then drilled it so if fit tight on the bolts. As for not much to it, you're right. But it will shock you what each mod does.

Like Doug said, TWL is responsible for quite a few people getting back in to vinyl. I'm kinda back from a little absence again too. Just got my motor back from Chris a week ago and have been having a grand old time all over again.