Hi, i also have the Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors. I'm using a Adcom 5802 Amp modified by Stan Warren with it. This combo sounds great. The mod was like 400 dollars. But the 5802 even without the mod, sounds great with the Tyler accoustics. The other amps i would recommend, are the Odyssey Stratos, Meridian 557 and the Classe 25 amp from the 90s Also check out the NAD S200 amp. It weighs like 70 pounds. I heard it at the Stereophile show on Gershman speakers. This system sounded really good. I'm using using the Triad In room Gold Sub on the Tyler speakers. This sub uses 2 Vifa 10 inch woofers and a 200 watt built in Amp. This is one of the best subs i heard. It sounds great on music and movies. This sub lists for 1500 dollars. I would also recommend the Velodyne, ULD 15, or the Velodyne HGS-12, or the HGS-15 sub. Another sub, which i heard at the Stereophile show, which sounded amazing on movies and Music was the Impact sub. But it lists for 2500 dollars. It uses 2 12 inch woofers and a 250 watt amp. Here's a pic of it. http://membrane.com/impact/products/prodairfoil.html
I'm using Custom House Barracuda speaker cables and the Barracuda interconnects. These are nice sounding cables. Here's there site. http://www.customhousecable.com/
I would also recommend the Tice 416 speaker cables and the Tice Iinterconnects. Lat also makes nice cables for the money. Also check out Miller Sound speaker cables and interconnects.