Ukulele, anyone?

Just found this on Sat eve. Another example of why "stereotypes" are best suited for being blown up. This also blew my mind. Jake Shimabukuro is a master. Talent like this make me believe in God all the more. It is excellent. Hope you can access and enjoy. He has a web site. CD is called "Dragon". Going to get the CD for sure.
If this link doesn't work, just Google Youtube Jake Shmabukuro. See a video of him in Central Park playing a cover of George Harrison's, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".
Seen him live many times--better live than on his recordings. The best $15 you will ever spend as he is still in the clubs. In 2005, he toured with Jimmy Buffett.

Taj Mahal features 3 ukes (aka the wall of ukuleles) when he tours with the Hula Blues Band. If you develop a taste for ukes, and you get a chance to see the Hula Blues Band, you should check out the show.


PS Hawaii Slack Key guitar can also be great stuff.
George Harrison was pretty good on uke himself, as evidenced on his final album "Brainwashed."
In the George Harrison tribute there was a touching moment when Paul McCartney sang "Something" accompanied by the uke. He introduced it by saying that if you went to George's house that inevitably the ukes would come out. I can envision these two immensely talented musicians with all their fame and wealth enjoying the simplicity of the ukelele. The songs they must have played.