Uneven speaker wire runs

My equipment sits to the far right side of my home theater setup. I need at least a 21 ft. run to the left speaker and the right would only need about 10 ft. Does it matter if the L & R main speaker runs are different lengths or should I try to keep them the same ?
I doubt you will hear an audible difference. Electric signals travel at close to the speed of light and speaker cables do not filter the signal very much (unless you have a mis match between speaker impedance and amp output impedance...for example a 4 ohm speaker with a tube amp of high output impedance).
For home theater, perhaps it wont matter as much. Usually that equipment had some compensation control that can be used for unbalanced sound.

For serious 2 channel, Yes, it does matter, big time.
Keep them as close to the same length as possible.

It's odd, isn't it, that an audio signal doesn't travel at the speed of sound.
It doesn`t matter a whit in 2 channel either. 186,000 mi./sec. divided by 11 ft. Do the math. The laws of physics are the same for HT or 2 channel.