Unintended lyrics

Music to sooth the savage beast (breast).What songs do you know that people routinely misunderstand the lyrics, to the concernation or amusement of the artist. For example Dylans's "Excuse me while I turn and kiss the guy" (kiss the sky). Nylons "Give me the Beach Boys and free my soul" (Give me the beat boys and free my soul I want to get lost in the rock and roll)
Stevie Ray Vaughn's "Cold Shot", we have the lyrics, "That's a cold shot, babe". Sounds like "Mexico shopping"
The chanting at the end of "I am the Walrus" is "smoke pot, smoke pot, everybody smoke pot" I thought this was common knowledge regardless of what Lennon claimed in later interviews
Commom knowledge?

I tend to believe the guy who wrote the song as opposed to the wishful thinkers who constantly over interpreted everything the Beatles wrote.