Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


A large portion of the garbage being pushed out is nothing more than Russian and Chinese propaganda. You don’t think they’re busily taking notes on how easy it would be to effect a massively successfuly biological attack on America, do you? Hell, now they see how easy it would be to kill off hundreds of thousands of Americans because...................."freedom".




Insane....Too much insanities claims to rectify...

No comment ....

I go back to Pat Martino guitar....


I'm asking questions to find out your opinions.

I'll rephrase less pointedly:

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?

if you don't we can stop there.

if you do, then how do you balance the loss of freedom incurred?




Get vaxxed. You are going to die anyway......Thats my view on the whole thing.

I had COVID, got jabbed x2  and just got a booster while in Omaha this week.

Masks are a joke though.


I’m asking questions to find out your opinions.

I’ll rephrase less pointedly:

Do you believe mass vaccinations have saved lives on a massive scale?

if you don’t we can stop there.

if you do, then how do you balance the loss of freedom incurred?


First i apologize to you...

i misread your intention sorry...


Yes vaccinations have saved life...

but vaccination on a massive scale in the actual conditions is not science it is political control...

Especially with a very mutating viruses..A non mutating viruses can be adressed by  massive vaccination of a precise designed population yes but a mutating  reoccuring virus like flu is not... vaccination of ld people and some other people at risk yes and preventive solutions for others are the way...

We then need with vaccination for at risk people on all earth low cost drugs for the non immune compromised majority of people..


This is in a word my position...



The World According to maghister:

Sane: Anthony Fauci controls Big Pharma and has for years!

Insane: Russia and China promote false propaganda on social media in attacking America’s national security (never mind what our national security and intelligence apparatuses say....).

Hey, Fletcher, at least you like Pat Martino! 🥂