Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


If it wasn't so sad, it'd be fascinating to witness first hand, madness. You'd have to go all the way back to the early '30s to see it manifest in the German people and many centuries before that when witch hunters would go from city to city in Europe killing every female they encountered in the villages and towns they went to.

And, here it is again, unfolding before our very eyes in our politics and as a result, in our approach to medicine, science, math and the ability to reason it out. Despite our paying lip service to ethics, morality and the constructs that should guide us, outright lying and deception hold a higher reward than telling and accepting the truth. Like I said, both sad and fascinating to watch.

All the best,


Post removed 

Haven't read this whole thread but I recently came across NRD's video about his family having COVID.

I'm very sorry he and his family have suffered.  It seems just terrible.

All the red flags are there for inferring he and his family chose not to get vaccinated, from the severity of their symptoms, to the reticance to mention vaccines, to the "respect my choice" kind of talk and the reference to his "church community."   


So on one hand it's awful to hear of that whole family suffering and I'm glad they are on the other side of it.   Yet it's frusterating to see yet another instance of a level of suffering that could have (likely) been avoided.


And of course this subject flushes out the misinformed in every forum....



A friend of his weighed in earlier in the thread and said that he was not vaccinated.

Read Klaus Schwab "The Great Reset". That Globalist Plan (has been and) is in full effect currently. It is what we are seeing now. I truly wish everyone the very best!