Sad Story oldhvymec
My sincere sympathy...
But thanks for this instructive and moving story ...
My deepest respect to you....
Sad Story oldhvymec My sincere sympathy... But thanks for this instructive and moving story ...
My deepest respect to you.... |
Master M, she went to heaven, I have to have a reason for the hope I have.. She was the same way. VERY much at peace. Sad, not at all, she never was in pain, I spent every minute I could with her, we were best friends.. I learnd a lot from her, smart, tough little lady.. LOL Tons of fun.. From Texas during the dust bowl. She loved to dance, play a piano and a mouth harp.. She could really Dance.. Very elegant, but could jitterbug up a storm, or clog.. Funny.. Regard |
@oldhvymec Sorry to hear about your mother, she sounds like a wonderful woman, we all have to go...but you can only hope that you are surrounded by your loved ones when it is your time to do so. I am also very spiritual, and think death is just another door, a journey we must all take, meeting that end with Grace and Dignity is something we can all hope for 🙏
On my journey back to health, one of the first things I did was invest in a reverse osmosis filter. Most tap is water is contaminated beyond measure....actually the city I live in, you can measure it and it has about 500ppm of garbage+heavy metals. 600 ppms is enough to grow plants in aqua culture. It is that bad... Clean water, clean food, bioavailable minerals, probiotics are a very effective way to heal yourself of pretty much any ailment. Add in excercse, and trips out to nature...and you’ll be around for a very long time, healthy and in near perfect condition.
I had bad allergies when very young so received an allergy shot monthly. In 7th grade a physical examination was needed to begin school. That was in 1970. About 1978 I decided I no longer needed the shots, so I discontinued. I was correct. In 1991 I applied to a school so another PE required. No other Doctor visits between the two, and never a PE or visit since.I’m very lucky. Imminent When this plandemic hit, no masks (only during store requirement, otherwise I would not have)) no sanatizers, no social distancing, (no crowds) With the first mention of vaccines, I was against them. I have been reading/studying etc, I’ll call the Elites/Globalists world plans, (sssociated) Conspiracies (which most are) MSM (which is A JOKE) and Alternate Media Religians, Political players, etc. All very informally I’ll add, but it all ties together. Btw, I got rid of TV in 2006, never looked back. This whole virus thing was PLANNED! The "vaccines" weren’t just thrown together as an emergency effort! As was previously eloquently posted above (and I agree with your similar outlook) I’m VERY sorry to predict things will get worse before better. Remember we ARE all in this boat together. Wishing all the best. |