Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



Thanks, and thanks for your comment in my other thread.

But, please excuse me:   I'm still a bit in shock ;-)

These photos are old..

My audio dedicated room was the seat of my listening experiments in acoustic..

It is now finished..

My audio system only with HOMEMADE and peanuts costs materials is now with an S.Q. remarkable AT NO COST....And by the way I sell nothing save creativity then dont assimilate me with anyone for the sake of insulting me...

My main device is an idea born from Helmholtz research and method: a mechanical equalizer FOR ROOM/SPEAKERS INTERACTION fine tunable with modification of the dimensions of the different resonators or diffusers ( more than 40 helmholtz reraonators located at precise spot to control the room by a new distribution of zones pressure in accordance with my specific speakers which first frontwaves are GUIDED to each of my ears with asymmetric position of the resonators according to the first wave front law in psycho-acoustic).I tuned the resonators for my room like a piano tuner tune a piano...

Then i will appreciate you dont mock "wise" people labor to align with a blind consumer ,perhaps an idiot it seems to me with this first contact , who just mock my room past photos... it is called "straw man" argument to be polite here...

My room is sillier now anyway and will be easy to mock especially for people who walk with "no clue" in life...By the way...

Did you have " clue" in life or mocking other is a hobby? i think you are a very honest person...Dont apologize i will myself smile at the look of a room like that...But i will not use that to mock publicly the owner that is the difference...

Who laugh the last with my S.Q. results do you think?

In life circonstances only simple mind judge on appearance without thinking... If it become habits the simple mind become an idiot...



Thanks, and thanks for your comment in my other thread.

But, please excuse me: I’m still a bit in shock ;-)

I’m vaccinated, I’ve been all over the world. I’ve seen people resist malaria treatment. Malaria, SUCKS. I’ve seen countries with bad water and the nasty effects on the locals. Usually detergent, chemical and bio contamination.

SARS is very communicable so is hepatitus, I don’t want either, so I protect myself from both. I don’t swim in water unless it is LIVE, and NO water is consumed unless it is treated, below 2800 feet. I wear a mask and wash my hands, just like every doctor and nurse that hasen’t been vacinated and didn’t get sick..

It is HOW you treat YOURSELF not others.. My hands very seldom touch my face.

I agree there are a few animals that need to be put behind the fence. Unfortunality behind the fence in the US just means the OTHER side of the WALL.

Our prisons are jam packed full of people that need to be put to work, some to never see the light of day, and a WHOLE bunch that probably shouldn’t be there. They should be turned over to the families they harmed. There are a very few that just got railroaded.. General Tommy Franks was one "The Hurricane" was another and Ollie North was 25 cent’s shy of being a little Castro.. Say what you will.. Him and Rummie Ronnie Reagan were NUTS with power.. Voice of Americanisum my A$$.

Biggest crack pot to ever enter that office of the United States.. Obama was a close second.. I’ll bet he wished he didn’t know anyone with the last name of Clinton. He was a close 3rd, BUT I did make good money during the last 4 years of Clinton after 12 years nutty Ronnie and Poppa Bush (I really liked him) Baby Bush, NOT so much.. Dick Cheney. The most powerfull president of our time, that wasn’t a president. LOL Bunker Dick Cheney..

Who else stays in the ol buncker? Surely for a different reason, Can’t remember where the White House is.. LOL Walkin around eatin’ CBD that don’t get you loaded (YUK YUK) and start bumpin his head again. Poor Joey.
