upgrade advice from a Linn LP12

I have an original LP12 with Ittok IV arm and Benz Micro SMS Glider cartridge, in great shape. If I was to go out on the used market and buy a new table, how much would I need to spend in order to get improvement? What is my starting point in cost? I am trying to decide if I want to go down that path.Thanks.
Living in the UK and being a vinyl addict for over 40 years, I only started buying CDs relatively recently, the LP12 was the holy grail so to speak. I had a couple of LP12s and the design was good in it's day, I used it in the, then, classic naim 135s, isobariks system. The later LP12 (1990) was upgraded over time with cirkus, lingo, etc up to, probably, the 2004 spec. It had a an ekos ii arm and the last cartridge was an Ortofon Jubilee.

At the time the LP12 had just been serviced and was in top condition.

I was investigating possible TT and phono stage upgrades so took the deck to a dealer to compare.

I listened to a Mitchell gyrodeck also fitted with an ekos and a mid range lyra cart (cheaper than, the then, top ortofon).

Compared with the LP12, every thing else amps speakers etc the same, I preferred the music played on the Gyrodeck. I had taken my own records so knew the music well.

I was surprised to say the least as the Gyrodeck was much cheaper than the Linn.
I also compared the LP12 to a Roksan deck/arm/cart which also gave a better presentation than the Linn.

This was an epiphany like moment I decided to change the whole system over time.

I initially got hold of an SME 20/2a and this gave much more detail and precision than the Linn.

I now have a Kuzma XL which seems to dig out the minutest detail from the record. Tremendous dynamics, depth and scale even on orchestral music, given a good recording needless to say.

A "modestly priced" deck I have been impressed with is the WT Amadeus. I did not hear it in direct comparison with any thing else but it sounded excellent with a wide range of music.
Jimbones, I had an LP12 for a few years and loved the sound quality. I sold it for other reasons and bought a Rega Rp10. Although I know it is a totally different table it has been a good lateral move. If the situation for the LP12 would have been different, I would have bought into more Linn upgrades. My table had the Linto,Cirkus bearing, EKOS arm, Cardas tone arm cables, Trampoline and was set up by the best LP12 man in the industry, Rick at Audio Alternative in Fort Collins,Colo..
That would have been step forward rather than sideways, but I was forced to get away from the suspended table and other reasons. But I looked at the VPI Classic 3 that had the same cartridge, and as nice as that table is the pacing and timbre were to big of a departure from what my ears were tuned to. My point is that the LP12 has a "certain" sound that is hard to find in other tables. I found the Rega to be the closest for my budget. I have heard the. AMG table and loved it, but at 18k, was too big a jump for me.
But I guess my point is, if you are looking to improve your LP playing, and you have been happy with the LP12, consider upgrading it. An EKOS arm, the Lingo power supply, Tiger Paw Khan top plate, etc. But if the 33/45 switching is a motive, as mentioned above the Lingo is a solution. Give Rick, a call he can advise you and help you, I know he gets LP12's from around the country and upgrades and tunes them to the best performance level the table is capable of. He will even send you packing if you need.
Audioalternative.com, is his website.
Jim, If you wish to switch from 33 to 45 rpm easily, any of the Lingo power supplies will allow you to do that. I replaced my Valhalla with a Radikal power supply and motor, which while more costly than a Lingo, was a MAJOR step up in SQ.

There are a number of more costly and complex tables on the market today, BUT I still believe a well set up and current spec LP12 will gave any of them a true run for their money....and leave most of them in the dust.
I made the move from my LP-12 Ekos, cirkus to Avid Volvere / SME a number of years ago and never looked back (since then added Sequel upgrade). I feel the Avid has all the postive LP-12 qualities plus much better frequency extension, clarity and pitch stability. Addtionally set-up is a breeze and no longer need to depend on somone else especially with the SME. 4-5 K range used depending on arm
Not much found so far when I checked VinylEngine to see what members there have gone onto.

Here are some links I've found regarding the Linn LP12. If you have already seen these links my apologies for the duplicate info.





Best of luck with the search.
You should be able to get decent money for your vintage LP12 provided its in pristine conditions. Having the original box/papers/etc really helps kick the price up a notch.

Before you do anything, visit your local dealer and try other TTs. Who knows, you may end up keeping your LP12.

If you are looking for simplicity, the $2,395.00 Wow XL is one solid piece of precision German engineering with easy switching from 33 to 45 RPM that sounds too good to be true.
Ha ha I certainly haven't paid much attention to TT in the past, oh I'd say 20 years LOL!! I would appreciate a TT that is easy to switch from 33 to 45 RPM :) Have mixed vinyl that makes it a pain. Like I said mine is nearly original and I am guessing it would take thousands of dollars to get some (not all) upgrades.
Linn upgrades may be one way to go but they are quite expensive. To my ears, the Townshend Audio Rock 7/RB202/Lyra Delos sounded MUCH better than the stock Linn Majik LP12 for about the same price. You will need to double the cost to get it to Linn Akurate LP12 standards which is past the $8,000.00 mark.
Bpoletti, when was the last time you listened to a current spec LP12??
Your comment tells me that it's been a while, LOL.
If you think your Linn is good, then just go listen to other rigs to see what you like. It shouldn't take long to find something better.
Jim, I think you have asked a question that depends on your definition of "improvement".
Your current TT is very good, IMO. I was faced with a similar question last year, and went the Linn upgrade route with a new bearing, sub chassis, power supply, base, etc.
I now have a MUCH better TT; that is IMHO competitive with other TT's that are multiples of what I spent. Therefore, I would suggest you look at the Linn upgrade path as your first option.