Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
I am in similar situation, though not with a LP12 or at your budget. I am with those who have encouraged you to refurbish your table, with possibly minor upgrades and listening to it for a while to get a sonic ‘feel' for it again. Your table would likely be worth the funds you have put into it when finished, and if your then decided to purchase a different table it could be sold to help fund this purchase. Though I would’t sell it until I had compared to the new table, if only for my own edification. More importantly, you might find the refurbished LP12 might be the only one you need.

Regarding the Jolida phono, I once owned one and while it is very good at its’ price point, you could do better. A decision that could be made after the TT decision.


Again,Thanks for the input. Since my Linn is pre-Cirkus,should that be the first upgrade as well as having the table tuned? Also it is possible to put an OL Ultra motor kit into the Linn. Anyone with experience with this?
Yeah, that Jolida JD9II is a giant killer for the $$ and modest upgrades can make it even more untouchable. 
I just keep upgrading my Linn LP12--tomorrow I go to the Linn audio shop near me to have the Keel I ordered installed while I wait. I cannot afford both Keel and Radikal so doing just one for now. My Linn is about 15 years old and has Ekos II, Cirkus, Trampolin, Linto and Lingo 2, and an Akiva cartridge installed a couple of years ago. Every year or two I find I do something with my LP12. I heard the Keel demonstrated about 10 years ago at this shop and have never forgotten the mesmerizing sound that came out of a regular LP12. He had two tables ready for the demo, one with Keel and one without, and I was sold. But I couldn't afford the upgrade till now. I thought about doing something else, but the memory of how good that LP12 with the Keel sounded was still with me and I couldn't resist. I have not heard a before and after with the Radikal but reviews say it is a similar level of improvement. I am not one who typically can hear the difference between motors in audio components, so I'd like to have a demo before I splurge on the Radikal in the next year or two.