So, building a better plinth is a waste of time? Modifying and building upon an already existing design is also a waste of time?
That flies in the face of logic because without such activity progress would never occur. Nothing is perfect and everything can be improved upon.
i have no doubt the a stock Prime is an excellent product but that does not make other products less so and a waste of time.
As I indicated, it is when individual creativity and an excellent outcome converge which creates pride in ownership, not just work. Work with out results is just work. Work with results equals pride!
Please reread my post. At no time did I disparage VPI, but rather, I have praised them. My input was to highlight a road less traveled but just as rewarding. Obviously it is not for you but it is for hundreds others.
I would agree that money spent on a great cartridge and phono pre will give tremendous value and should not be taken lightly.
That flies in the face of logic because without such activity progress would never occur. Nothing is perfect and everything can be improved upon.
i have no doubt the a stock Prime is an excellent product but that does not make other products less so and a waste of time.
As I indicated, it is when individual creativity and an excellent outcome converge which creates pride in ownership, not just work. Work with out results is just work. Work with results equals pride!
Please reread my post. At no time did I disparage VPI, but rather, I have praised them. My input was to highlight a road less traveled but just as rewarding. Obviously it is not for you but it is for hundreds others.
I would agree that money spent on a great cartridge and phono pre will give tremendous value and should not be taken lightly.