Upgrade to Maggi 3.7i or Tekton Moab?

I’ve got a dilemma. The audiophile bug to continuously tweak and upgrade has got me wanting more and bigger sound out of my system. I’m currently running Maggi 1.7is with a single SVS SB2000pro, driven by Parasound A21+. What I’m finding is in my large room (20x18 with vaulted 18ft ceiling, leading into open kitchen) it just does not deliver the uumph that I am wanting when I want to "feel" the music hit me. I am debating what my next step should be when I am ready to make the jump. Should I go with a bigger Maggi (3.7i) or should I abandon planars and go with the very alive sounding Tekton line. What I have read so far is that the DI and Moab sound very alive. That I think is that sort of thing I feel is a bit thin with my present system. I am expecting to hear (fairly so) that if i want to feel music hit me in that chest, a planar speaker is not for me and I need to go with dynamic driver. That said, I do love the transparency and cohesive sound of the Maggi, so I want it all I guess? =)

Welcoming any advice or food for thought on this.
My room is ~ 20 x 35 x 12 with one side open up/down stairwell

I had Maggie 3.5Rs + 2 SVS powered subs, couldn't get a seamless blend even with an active XO

I now have Emerald Physics 3.4s (open baffle, 12" driver with concentric polyester tweeter) which do amazingly well on most music. But I still want a bit more impact which either 2.8s or 4.2s will deliver. They can be purchased used if you're patient. IMHO, best speaker bargain

No brainer. The 3.7i handily presents a more detailed and realistic sound stage. It generates much less room interaction but t is not going to do 110dB. So, if you are a head banger it is not the speaker for you. The Maggies are also more demanding of a good amp. Forget about any class D amp. Pass amps and the JC 1's sound glorious. Think class A.
Adding subs will give you low bass and clean up the Maggies a little but it will not get you more headroom. You should be able to do an effortless 95 dB which is as loud as I usually listen. The Maggies are line sources. You will need 4 subwoofer to match up right. 
The Tektons are IMHO some of the worst loudspeakers ever made. They are made as cheaply as possible but they will go loud for a while anyway. 
As an owner of the Moabs, just go for it. They will work well in your room and lots of oomph!