Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
"ever tried the tweak which I believe involves placing a nickel, dime, and a quarter (I think this is the right combo) on top of your speakers?"

There's been a lot written about this one, it is usually now referred to as the crossover tweak if memory serves.
The theory is that if you can get people comfortable setting small amounts of money on a speaker then you can eventually get some of them addicted to throwing large amounts at a stereo.

ps. Somebody tell Vhiner I'm not serious
Ok guys,back to your corners.

For the curious "I want the measurements to prove it types" I would ask that they just use a simple chunk of copper wire,such as Romex, and strip the ends to make them bare.
Then insert said copper fuse replacements in the place of the cheap stock speaker protection fuses.
I would not want to be responsible for any calamities if one were to bypass all fuses with copper replacements.
Because I have and got away unscatehed doesn't mean you will.

But,,, and a big but, if you are curious about what sonics a simple fuse can alter(notice I said alter and not indicated that the fuse has a sound of it's own per se),then by all means have a listen for yourself.
If you like the sound better with the DIY fuse replacement then you will have a strong indication about how a HiFi tuning fuse will make your system sound.
Again, folks with Magnepans have mostly done this already, if you haven't, try it, but remember you are on your own.Any stupid volume issues or all thumbs types ,you are on your own if calamity ensues, so becareful.

What you should hear is more clairity, less mush,and more dynamics, and more blah blah blah, stuff everyone always says you hear when you tweak your gear.

In truth isn't that what we are all after?
More of everything good from our systems?

If $40.00 is all it takes or zero dollars if you roll your own and say a couple of Hail Mary's, then why not just try it and prove to yourself once and for all?
Who needs a white paper or some audio nerd to tell you if something works or not.
Don't rely on anyone, but yourself.

Ah, but "the ears can't be trusted!" or some such drivel I am sure will spring forth from the deniers, and then they'll try to disprove what you have just heard with YOUR own ears(not theirs).

Just don't pay any attention to that nonsensical rhetoric.
It has nothing to do with music, or this hobby,because if we don't rely on our ears in this hobby, then we should not be involved in this hobby.

It's all about the MUSIC!.Not the specs.

And unless I am a weirder bird than I think I am, I use my ears and not my eyes when I play music in my system.

So, the next time one of the "crowd" chimes in with "show me the proof", tell them they can't believe everything they read.
Which is what my old man beat into my head.
10-09-11: Vhiner
"Metro04,You demanded measurements that explained Hifi Tuning's claims. It's been posted here. Why do you ignore the data and requests for your credentials?"

>>> And yet, AGAIN, you can only resort to manufacturing BS to compensate for lacked intelligence! Just where have I ignored HFTF's data? I don’t see a single reference in any of my postings alluding to your typically deluded incitements – EVER! It’s the same ol’ pattern each time you respond while conveniently ignoring provided examples of real-world scientific/engineering practices. Are you completely inept at interpreting written statements at face value, thus resorting to continual postings of demented, conjured- up nonsense to suit you prevocational accusations? And AGAIN, where is the proof I’ve requested from you to support YOUR claims of hearing fuse improvements? Just more of your typical modus operandi to elude exposure?

Oh, and anytime you want to balls up and compare who’s more technically qualified, just let me know! I’m sure you’ll have a heart-warming story to share about how you successfully replaced your grandmother’s toaster plug without burning down the house, or the light bulb in your sister’s Easy Bake Oven. When you can design, build, and properly test audio, RF, and digital circuits from scratch (as minimum examples), or diagnose and repair just about any item of electronics, then I’ll have a trace of respect for your opinions. Lastly, when you can prove, without a doubt, that YOU can hear improved performance with your fuses, then I will apologize to HFTF for your alleged accusations of my slandering.

Regarding Jeff's other thread, or postings within any forum topic, so what? I'm proud of anyone with a questioning attitude regarding the audio world's equivalence to the sheer numbers of endless eye-witness flying saucer, Loch Ness monster, or Bigfoot sightings. His, and many others who post their thoughts, are periodically ridiculed by this predominantly established, self-fueled “religion”. He and others have every right to his or her opinions as the next person. This site is for everyone interested in various levels of audio, and primarily for buying/selling used gear. Are their opinions really any different than the endless claims of “unverified” product improvement gains spewed in these postings every day?

I have nothing more to say to Vhiner that hasn't already been said multiple times already, especially with regards to his predictable, irrational responses. It’s all yours, big guy!
Awwwe, Lacee, and you were so entertaining right up until the last third of your posting. :(

"Ah, but "the ears can't be trusted!" or some such drivel I am sure will spring forth from the deniers, and then they'll try to disprove what you have just heard with YOUR own ears(not theirs)."

>>> Really, "drivel" and “nonsensical rhetoric”? Apparently, only the self-proclaimed golden-eared audiophile eludes what is WELL KNOWN and DOCUMENTED in the medical world! Yet if tested by ANY means, yields no better results than a guessing percentage. Maybe you can provide a single documented event where ANY participant correctly picked the better “anything” 80% of the time? None I've ever read, though folks here say the testing process is at fault, or has been rendered useless, yet similar or applicable tests are routinely performed world-wide throughout the medical, science, and engineering fields. I’m sure they’re all wrong in comparison to this niche audio hobby. :-)

The non-believers remind me of small kids. When my son was 4 years, he simply refused to eat broccoli. His friends did not eat broccoli and it influenced him. I suggested him to try a piece. He refused for several months. Then one fine day he decided to give it a shot. I will not say that broccoli is his favorite veggie, but he does not find it "yucky" and enjoys the stir-fried chicken-brocolli dish his mom makes.
I say guys, why not try and then decide? Why do you make opinions of stuff that you have not tried? I understand that there is 30-days trial period or something like that. But please let us know about your experience "after" you try them. Good luck!!