Upgrading Fuses

Have a Audio Research Ref 3 and am considering upgrading the fuses but I am a little skeptical. Would like to hear from people who have try this. Hard to believe that fuses can make a substantial difference like the manufacturers claim. All advice appreciated.
No more calls! We have a WINNER!!!!
And I'll just ask the guy who I sent them to to post on this thread after he's had the fuse in about 24 hours. It should show some significant improvements by then unless the fuse (HiFi Tuning is the manufacturer, and it cost around $37.95) is oriented wrong. I'm not sure if only the top level (the "Supreme" model, which is built like the Mundorf, is directional, but I advised him that, if it didn't sound right to his ears, to turn the fuse (it has an arrow on the body) in the other direction and see if it makes a difference.
Frankly, I'd NEVER go back to the fuse supplied with my equipment. This fuse has made it so easy to differentiate between "fuzziness" that's on a recording and what may be the equipment ahead of it (I have it in the Hurricane amps, remember). Of course, my First Sound doesn't have a fuse in it: I called the designer, Emannuel Go, to ask if there was a fuse in the power supply and he replied there wasn't. (I was disappointed: these days, I want to put fuses in EVERYthing!). So, that eliminates having to open the power supply.
You really ought to try SOMEbody's fuse, guys. Even if it's a $10 model (I don't know who makes those, but that's not the point: the fuse DOES make a difference in the purity of the sound), you should hear SOME improvement over the .50 fuse that comes with the model.
There is a difference between the two camps.

One side, called the "believers" have actually used the "product" that is being discussed in his system and has drawn his conclusions.

The other side has not.
This side, the measurements types,who put their trust in the scientific method, don't even adhere to their own priciples.
They don't experiment and try the gear in question.
They refuse to do so.

Which I think makes them more of a "believer" than the ones who have actually expeience with the product.
Their beliefs are not based on the most fundamental tenant of scientific theory, and that is the experiment.

Where would we be today if everyone with a scientific leaning never bothered to try anything new.Refused to experiment.
No new scientific breakthroughs, no furthering of knowledge if one limits themselves to just living their lives based on what's already been done and blanket acceptance that there's nothing new under the sun, that we've been there done that.

This is what sets the two camps apart and it's ironic that the "believers" seem to be more scientific than the non believers.
They do the experiemnt and reach a conclusion.

Years ago I could have scoffed at what Aczel said.
But I didn't, I was curious, I made DIY fuses or bypassed the fuse.

I enjoyed better sound and never had any mishaps with gear.

Then when the upgraded fuses came out 20 or more years later I tried them.
It wasn't a belief or faith system that led me to them it was experience and that came from experience with what fuses do to the sound.Experience of twenty years of running without fuses.
I should add that I never left any gear on during my fuseless years 24/7.

Were the new boutique fuses better than bypassing or diy?
Perhaps not, but I sleep better at nite and my sound is not degraded by a cheap stock one buck fuse.

No the two sides have nothing in common least of all science.


I *love * a guy who puts his money where his mouth is! Plus it's fun to see what happens. Thanks for doing this.
Sure, Vhiner.
My intent was to allow someone with no money spent the opportunity to post his own impressions, free of the need to prove he spent his money "wisely." This way, the other poster can say it sounded like crap if he likes. It wouldn't deter me one iota, now that I've, as Lacee stated, done the experiment. It's not as though I have stock in the HiFi fuses or anything.

We all benefit if we use wisdom as our guide. To quote Einstein: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."