Upgrading my Linn set up HELP advice please

basically i aint rich but need to upgrade.
my system now is-----arcam 7 cd---linn pretek--linn powertek---linn tukans--lk400 bi wire cable and linn interconects.
i want to upgrade would a LINN classic be an upgrade to what i have??.....could i still biwire w/ the cable i have(w/ the classic)....reason i ask is the classic comes w/ speaker wire for some reason.
i could also add pwr amps later on.
OR!!! is there something i could add to my current system that would be better than going to a classic?
Just make your long range goal going Aktiv. The Tukans are great speakers. After going Aktiv get a tube preamp and you won't upgrade for years.
so its all money from here on realy with the linn thing....and its quite a bit.....
well i love it so i'm gonna have spend aint i...
is a genki about $800 used?? and that will be a serious upgrade on behalf of the whole system?? as a first upgrade.
what about the linn majic intergrated amp,would that be better than the preteks as its ''newer'' techno wise?....excuse my iggnorance in hifi,i'm learning