Using 2 different brands of interconnects?

Is there any problem with this if the cables are in the same ballpark in quality (or price)? Do cables have such different sound signatures that things get muddied or cancelled out?

Forgive my ignorance. This is my first venture into the topic. I'm talking about under $100 gear for a meter length..
Try any combo you want and go with whatever sounds best.  Cost is not the determining factor for what will sound best in each case. 
@stringreen My experience with Cardas products are that they are warm and if you have a hot, trebly system with noice, they can help hide it. The higher up the chain you go, the less warm, but if your system is balanced and quiet, then they obfuscate the details. For my early systems, that was exactly what I needed. Since then not so much.
It depends is always the right answer. But as my equipmemt got better and better I zeroed in on a brand that consistently performed the best for me (Transparent). I have always suspected that combining a warm interconnect and a cold / detailed one serially would act as a filter... so that in the limit it would be a bad idea. 

Also, comparisons take time and after hundreds of hours of comparisons over decades... I really want to enjoy listening to music, not listening to my system. So, now I have a trusted brand that I know complements my equipment (ARC, Sonus Faber, and Transperant is a known compliment which I discovered independently) and and only requires a decision by me on how much to pay.
If you have yet to learn what you are specifically looking for?  (that can take years).. Enjoy.  Its like using two different coffee beans when grinding to make coffee.
“If you have yet to learn what you are specifically looking for?”
This is very true. At first I wanted bass, then the magic of electrostatic, then more accurate and natural, finally musical. So, what I wanted changed over the decades.