I've found the process worth performing but it's effect doesn't last that long. Many reviewers Robert Hartley included mention this procedure with the bulk demagnetizer. If you check Nordost site on their ECO 3 antistat they claim improvements are obtained. On the other hand we know that cables could build electrostatic electricity..... and that insulation/jacket plays a role here .. I use a cassette head demagnetizer for exploring the posibilities of this treatment.... While doing this I applied the demagnetizer to power, cords, interconnect and speaker cables and consistently I obtain improvement in presentation of the music!!!!! go figure Don't have exact reason for this but it provides a nice improvement. My only theory is of electrostatic build up on the cables. My cables are suspended using cardboard cylinders from the uncarpeted terrazzo floor and system has dedicated lines and grounding rod. Anyone with similar experiences or comments?
Using a demagnitizer on compact Discs?
Does anyone use a "bulk" demagnetizer (like one uses to demagnetize a video tape or cassette tape)on compact discs just before playing them? Does it improve the sound of the CD? Can you describe how the sound is improved? Is the improvement signficant to you? Does the improvement warrant the cost of the demagnetizer and the time and effort to demagnetize a CD everytime you play it? I do not understand how a demagnetizer can have an effect on a compact disc (which is not magnetic) but I have been told it DOES have an effect. Thanks for your indulgence.