Van Den Hul what is the best cart ?

I will probabely buy a van den hul cartridge, but regardless to the price, I don't know what to choose. My dealer says that black beauty gold 0.85mV is a very fine cartridge, but I read a lot of very fine reviews of the colibri.
And about the colibri what should be the best ? copper or gold ? 0.20mv or 0.30mv ?
I've got a VPI aries 3 + JMW 10.5i and for the moment a zyz 4D copper.


Showing 1 response by glennewdick

Late comer here:

Sibilance in my experience with VDH carts is usually VTA setting not correct.  They are quite sensitive to proper VTA and alignment, granted the arm is right for the cart to begin with.