Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's

I have a nice pair of Vandersteen 3a sigs and was thinking about adding subwoofers.
Audiogon has listings for a pair of 2w's. My question is:
What differences are there between the 2w and 2wq's(besides the variable q) sound wise?
Should I be concerned about buying an old subwoofer-does anything wear out and need replacing?
Thanks Bob

Showing 8 responses by gdnrbob

Thanks for all the responses.
I just got the Vandy 3 a sigs, so I don't think I will be upgrading my speakers anytime soon.
lI currently have separate amp and preamps(All McCormack). So, installing the crossover shouldn't be a problem.
I will leave a message with Vandersteen. (I was surprised last week that he personally called me back, though he does seem a bit brusque).
Just off the phone with Mr. Vandersteen...
His recommendation-buy Quattro CT's. (He noted that my current room size was on the small size, and the Quattro's would offer better optimization).
Since I just bought the 3a sigs, I don't think it is going to happen.

Regarding the subwoofers, he recommended the 2wq's over the 2w's, as the latter were long in the tooth. And, if I went with the 2wq's that I buy a pair, not a single, and preferably a pair of similar vintage.
But, ultimately he said the Quattro CT's would be the best way to go.

RE: Audioconnection-
I did read through the owners manual, as well as the FAQ and just needed information that I did not find.
Actually, this telephone conversation was rather nice. Though I can't believe he can actually take the time and respond to all those questions.

If you are reading this Mr. Vandersteen, a well deserved 'Thank You'
Bob Wong
Delkay, this is my 1st post.
I have no idea what a telecon is..., but thanks for the information.

I have to agree with you though, when I move the speakers around, I do hear difference.  My problem is that I have a limited number of places to move the speakers. That is why I thought using subwoofers would help, though I might be mistaken.
Dekay, I am from the 70's and I never heard or used 'Telecon'. Maybe it was a regional term. Maybe I'm growing forgetful... ;)

Slightly off topic, but I tried to start another discussion but got no response...
Is the M5-HT crossover limited to Vandersteen subwoofers? Can it be used with other brands?
Re: Audioconnection
As a Vandersteen dealer, have you seen any issues with old 2w subs?
Mr. V said they were getting a bit old and more prone to problems.
Johnny, Thanks for the detailed reply.
I ended up getting a pair of 2w's from someone in Michigan. He has good feedback, so let's hope for the best.
They are about 12 years old or so, so not too old. 
Amazon delivered Ray Brown, yesterday. I was a nice listen even without the subs.
I am reading and re-reading the 2w and 2wq manuals, as well as the M5-ht sheet. Is there anything else I need to do?
I posted on the cables forum regarding something good but not expensive. Can you or anyone on Agon provide some info?
Thanks Bob
JohnnyR,  these are in my LR/DR. I can only place them in a couple of positions due to furniture. As they are now positioned, the 3a sigs sound pretty good. I know I could do better, but, as I said there are only a couple of good positions available. I am hoping the subs will even out the room.
I have angled them as best I can using the Vandersteen instructions.