Vandersteen Treo CT vs Mag 3.7i speakers

I've listened to both at my local dealer.  I have sufficient space for either one in my living room (16x21).  If you have some ideas/a clear opinion on which one to purchase I would very much appreciate hearing from you..thanks.
As the buyer of ctsooner's Treo's, and a Vandy fanboy, I feel ct's post spot on. If I had more room Maggie's would be a speaker I would consider, but you would still need the services of a good sub-like the Vandy 2w/q, to get the full measure of sound reproduction.

So much of this is dependent upon your hearing/needs/desires, so take all our comments with a grain of salt.

There are many Vandy/Maggie fans who switch back & forth.

I switched from Vandy to Maggie in about 1995.  I had them both in the room and switched back and forth for 2 months.

It was close.

Since then Maggie has the x.7 series which is large upgrade, while Dick V. continues his refinement process as well.

You will need to do a very careful comparison.  AND the choice might depend on the type of music.

There is no perfect speaker - all of the top ones have to give up on some factors to achieve other factors.
Compare them both to the Eminent Technology LFT-8b, which combines the strengths of both, while mitigating their shortcomings.

"AND the choice might depend on the type of music..."

I think the choice also depends on the amplifiers feeding the speakers. Based on my limited experience, I think you need a twice as good of an amplifier to make a Magnepan sound like a comparably sized/priced Vandersteen.