Very large room HT

My room is 20 By 45'
My budget 20,000$
Advice for complete 5.1 speakers amp Pre etc,all but tv
My room is very similar to Mr. Baranowskis right down to the pool table, but with a 15ft cathedral ceiling and three window walls..... My concern was filling the room with good sound everywhere in it, and that was going to take sq inches of speaker cones... not little satellites

I went with a KEF Q series system after reading all the reviews and praise.... Mine is used for about 40% music (mostly vinyl), 50% TV and 10% movies. The Q900/600/800 system (about $3500 retail) is just incredible for the price... very musical, great dispersion and imaging throughout the room, and voices etc are tonally perfect. I'm using Ventura 5s for the rear surrounds as a temp solution($300 retail). I added an HSU 15F subwoofer ($1100 w shipping) to the mix to fill in the bottom end musically and for movie effects, and use an old 12" sub to even things out in the room. You would need at least two HSU 15 if you really want the movie punch everywhere. Remember that with Audyssey Equalization anything below 60 to 80htz is suppose to be sent to the subwoofer(s), so buying more expensive speakers for their low end is a bit of a waste (per Audyssey not me). You want to focus on speakers with great dispersion and accuracy for the highs, mids and upper bass...and voices especially, then get enough subwoofer(s) to get the SQL you need.... the KEFs work exceptionally well for in this regard.

You are going to need power to fill a room that size, I am running mine through a Marantz SR6005 ($1000 retail at the time) receiver not separate amps for a wife acceptance factor... easier to understand controls etc. When the time comes, I'll upgrade the receiver to their newest and best model at that time, but for now the Sr6005 works and is very musical... sounds like a Marantz... FYI the KEFs are very efficient so the 110 watts is more than enough when using the subs for everything below 60 hz.

Wife likes the looks of everything except the subwoofers, the HSU15 is large lol But she loves the sound... better than going to the movies per her.

I spent wasy less than your $20K on everything,and was still able to add a great turntable/ cartridge/ phono preamp ($4000).

In addition to your speakers, TV and receiver / amps you need to allocate for a high end blue ray player the OPPO is around $1100 a decent CD player is at least +$2000 and a seperate DAC starts at $1500 and don't forget high quality wires and interconnects where the sky is the limit figure at least $3000...... it all certainly adds up in a
You are prepared to spend a lot of money on your system. First you have to listen to speakers. You are the only one who can do this. It is a personal matter. For Movies you should buy a Plasma or projector. All LED/lcd tv's have an almost 2 dimensional flat image. Are 10.000 times slower in respons than Plasma. The filters which are used for films are gone wenn you use LED. Why? because the light is projected from behind. Movies look like they are taken by a cheep digital camera. Read the difference between plasma and led. You will understand why it is that better. Wenn you listen to 2 or 5 channel ( or even more) sound you can better go for an amp, processor and speakers which can make a deep stage. Why? because 3- dimensional sound is superior to 2-dimensional sound. A few months ago I was the absolute sound of a very big audio show. Why? because I had the best 3-dimensional sound in 2 and 5.1 sound. I read that someone was talking about B&W. I played for over 8 years with the 802N and 800 S. I stopped with B&W because they are very poor in cross over filters. There is almost no depth. Depth is the most important part in Highend Audio. Without depth you never will get the absolute sound. Because it stays 2-dimensional. 2-dimensional sound I call standard audio. Because an amp of 100 dollar makes the same kind of image. Onkyo and integra are the only brands in there price tag who can make a wide an deep stage. Marantz and Denon are both 2-dimensional brands. How do I know this? because I sold them for many many years and I tested them hundreds of times. Go find for a dealer were you can listen to Monitor Audio with Onkyo or Integra. Monitor Audio makes the best cross overs in there price tag. They can give a very deep and wide image what will give you the stunning 3-dimensional sound. You wil blow every person away. Like I did at the audio show were I gave my demo. Also Monitor Audio is the best in respons ( speed) compared to there competitors. Speed gives you more control, more precision and a more natural sound. Take your time and do your own research. At the end you will get the best sound what fits you best. I promiss!!!
Regardless of room size, IMO both 7.1 and matrixed 5.1 to 7.1 media is far more entertaining than 5.1. Use matched speakers, no dipoles.

If this is a dedicated HT system I suggest going conservitave except for the display and the sub/s.
7.1 does not say anything about the quality of speakers, amps etc. Wenn you use an amp which give a 2-dimensional image ( most do) you never will go higher than standard audio. Also wenn I play in Multi channel the stage is superior to all the 2-dimensional brands. I play 4-5 metre behind the speakers. And 1 metre beside the speakers. Bluray music is stunning because every instrument plays full touchable and to point out. Often instruments play far beside the speakers. For many it is a new experience. It is that convincing that people understand the new level in sound.
Thanks for your advice!
I realize that I need a good multi Chanel amplifier,
And preamp,to drive a 5.1 set of B&W with 804 as rt and lt?