Very Sensible Audio Advice

Zero Fidelity - Do you know this guy?  I came across his channel on YouTube and I thought he offered some very level-headed advice and product reviews that would be helpful to a lot of people here.  He doesn't immediately look the part, but I think he knows what he's doing.  I would like to say it's good advice for those starting out, but I think many of us can take a lesson from him.
I picked up on his videos a few months ago and found his advice and reviews sensible and honest. Like already stated, quite different from what one finds here.

All the best,
What I like about this guy is that, at least based on what I’ve seen, he doesn’t lock himself into a "religion." It’s almost like totally partisan politics which seems, to my recollection to have begun in the W. era, in which literally everything the other side did was wrong. Regardless of what side you were on. With audio, the analog/digital, tube/transistor, cables are everything/cables are bullshit, price = better sound/expensive stuff is a ripoff, stuff has become so ingrained that a simple guy with common sense stands apart from the crowd. A reminder that common sense ain’t so common. In fact, I think the expression should be changed to "common sense is uncommon." IMO of course. And yes, I know that partisan politics have gone back to the dawn of time, but it seems to me it became more obvious during the W. era.  Don't get crazy about it, please.  
@chayro thank you for sharing this, and initiating the conversation!

I enjoyed the video, and liked where he spoke from.  Too often I see the seagulls fly in to these threads, and crap all over someone.  Innumerable dogmatic stances: use this cable, tube instead of solid state, triode vs ultralinear, that brand of tube, this isolation component, upgrade your cartridge, fuses in the wrong direction, that DAC chip.  In the grand scheme of things, does it really result in the difference between finding pleasure and release in your music or failure to do so?  I and so many others get lost in my clock radio and car stereo, so I know perfection is not a requirement.  As he mentions, this hobby should focus on enjoyment.  Isn't that why most of us got into this hobby?