Vintage vinyl or new reissues?

Can someone comment on this subject. Preferably someone who has compared the old with new reissues. For example would a new sealed bob dylan highway 61 revisted, released by columbia always sound better than good reissues? How does one approach this question?
In the context that both the records are clean, mold, warp and scratch free and in like new condition. This thread is not about price but about which, if executed properly, will deliver the best SONIC results. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by player

Several of us would surely like you to elaborate on the "more so" comparisons if you have the time to do so.

Congratulations on your considerable investment into the
45's working out.

Many of my reissue purchases have never been unsealed due to out of service turntables for a period of years. Now,
just like rare originals, many of them may be too valuable to open and play.