Vinyl System Upgrade Path Recommendations

Hey gang! New to the forum but I’ve been really enjoying reading through old threads. I would be interested in the community’s thoughts on a natural upgrade path for my system.

Current System:

  • Pioneer PL-530 w/ Audio Technica AT 13 Ea
  • Apt Holman Preamplifier
  • Eico ST-70 (using as a power amp, line in)
  • Totem Arros

I listen to a wide variety of genres but with an emphasis on jazz and more recently classical. Overall the system performs well. I’m getting a good warmth for my taste and decent detail.

Moving forward I’d like to pull a little more clarity and separation out, but not create a clinical reproduction. I do dig the warmer sound. I’m also interested in trying to reduce background noise and pops/clicks. I’m already big on cleaning my LPs which has helped a ton, but I’m curious where to invest next.

I’ve also started listing more on headphones (Schiit Jotunheim + Hifiman HE400i) where I notice even more background noise.

So what do think? Better stylus / cartridge? Different TT? Alternative phono stage? Cables… ?

I try to be conservative with my spend (everything I own was purchased used), but I’m not afraid to shell out where appropriate.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

If you don’t want to spend too much, look at an Ortofon Red at $100.00. 
@designtaylor A Nagaoka MP110 would be suitable especially as it is kinder with noisy vinyl.
On the front end question, yes a new table/arm like a Pioneer PLX1000 with a Nagaoka or Ortofon 2M Blue would be a good place to start.
I’d go with the Nagaoka MP110 then see where you’re at. That will probably be enough. If not, check back.
The Audio-Technica VM540ML at around $240 made a world of difference with my vintage Technics SL-1700mk2 that I recently restored. The micro-line contact nude mount stylus has class-leading wear rating that doubles most elliptical profiles, while bringing the music to life on a whole new level. 
@noromance @stereo5 @kommanderkurt - thanks for the advice guys! I'll take a look at the Ortofon and Nagaoka stuff. 

Does anyone else have experience with the Apt Holman Preamp? The improvement I got from the built-in photo stage over the one in my Eico was great but the mid tones (vocals especially) still seem muddy. I'm thinking it might be worth trying an external phono stage to see of there is a difference. Maybe it's better to start a new thread on that topic specificly.