VPI SSM lacking bite

Btw - phono stage is a ARC PH7 and pre is a Ref3, tonearm and i/c is LFD Silver Ref.

Just wondered if anyone has experience of an SSM / Phantom / Orpheus set-up before I go for it?

>>I can't help but think that the VPI 9" Sig arm has lower performance to the Artemiz and therefore the the main culprit.<<

You got it.

The JMW-9 quite simply is an ordinary tonearm, Valhalla wire notwithstanding.

You took a step down.
Lack of bite and softened transients are part of the problem with my SSM setup, I'm still in the process of figuring out the problem. I've worked on isolation and modding phono pre to this point, still not where I want it.

Others claim these problems are not inherent to VPI, I've not come to any conclusions on this. I think an arm upgrade would be very revealing, go for the Graham and let us know your results.
Thanks for the feedback - I'm sure that the Graham will be the right step, so that'll be next, together with the ISOL-8 regenerator. I'll report when it's in and set up.

In the meantime - if anyone has run / is running a SSM with Phantom & Orpheus set-up, then I'd love to hear an opinion.

Lastly, has anyone tried a set of Finite Elemente Cerabases under an SSM?

By the way - the PH7 and VM220s all have EAT valves fitted - they don't make them for the Ref 3 at the moment. These added weight, body, dynamics, extension and clarity and were a good, if expensive, move for me.
I forgot to mention, I do have Cerabases I use elsewhere in system. IME, this is not the best way to go in aleviating the problems you have. Cerrabases tend to soften the sound just a bit compared to spikes and/or Aurios. I would go back to trying stock VPI spikes and/or trying brass spikes. Stanwal has previously mentioned having good luck with the Star Sound spikes, I plan on trying.