VPI super platter upgrade with JMW 12.5

Problem: I've recently upgraded by TNT 4 with a new Super Plater. Everything's running fine other than my 12.5 arm is more-or-less at the extent of its elevation, which has made it feel a tad wobbly with just minimal thread holding everything in place.

With the thicker platter (I'm guessing 5mm) obviously the arm has to be elevated more than it was in its original set-up

I've managed to achieved a level arm, but my ZYX prefers a slight lift.

Has anybody experienced (and solved) this problem?

Thought there may be some sort of 'spacer' that I can add between the TT base and arm, but seen nothing around.

I'm sure I've installed the platter correctly - not much to get wrong here.

Thanks for reading.
This seems like a common problem with Tables, particularly VPI (since they've basically made more Platters than Carter has Pills)

One way I believe it was addressed many years ago, with the HW-19 Models, was the use of the thicker "Super Armboard", thus one was able to attain proper Arm Height without jacking the Arm to the Moon. At this point, with the introduction of Super Platter, VPI should've at the least made an available Spacer suitable for thier JMW Arms.

You could call them, but you may need to resort to a machinst, like I did for my own VPI HW Table. First, I utilized a custom .500" thick Aluminum Spacer, I then eventually went even further, and had a totally new custom Arm Base made that was taller in height, and had better tolerances as well for the Tonearm Mounting Shaft.

Hope others have some ideas, I'm not sure what VPI has in thier inventory of Parts for JMW Arms? Mark
Thanks for the suggestions. I think the arm-board is a sensible upgrade that VPI need to make available for the older TNT's. I'll get onto VPI and see if they have any other suggestions. They must have had other queries on this.