VTA my compromise in setting

I installed a new Audiomods Classic Six tonearm replacing a 37 year old Rega RB300 .  During install I had to make a decision on where to set the VTA since it has to be locked in .  I settled on using a 160gr record for my compromise , this being only a little lower than many of today's 180gr and slightly raised for most of my 50's , 60's and 70's collection .  This leaves my few 200gr and those 100gr to 120gr RCA dynaflex records very compromised .

For those who have the option to lock your setting in where did you decide to compromise ? 


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Another option I have heard used, are multiple mats in varying thickness…

I use a shim mat (placed underneath my main mat) for thinner LP's (VTA is a PITA to adjust on my old SME).

You might look into a mat (that you like the sound of) which comes in various thicknesses.

I do have "some" very thick LP's from the 50's, but I usually just use the main mat (a bit fatter bass/softer treble) as I don't have that many.

