W4S DAC1 & STP-SE vs. W4S DAC2 as digital frontend

With Emerald Physics CS-2.3's (standard Behringer processor) fed by W4S ST-1000 & ST-500, and using as sources a Marantz CD 5004 (for transport only) and 2010 Mach 2 MacMini music server running Pure Music software, is there likely to be a significant difference in, e.g., resolution of detail, transparency, dimensionality, etc. between a front end consisting of (i) the STP-SE and the new DAC1 w/asynch 24/96 USB and upgraded caps vs. (ii) the DAC2 alone? In this setup, will the stand-alone preamp really let the amps sing noticeably more than they would without the preamp?
In the short time since I typed-in the run-on inquiry above, I have done gone and got religion. Did what I should have done before typing my question and searched the hoary threads on this site about whether to preamp vel non. Searched for threads about the care and feeding of my speakers. Lo, and behold, I found the answer. Alright, not THE answer, but my answer. First off, I was asking the wrong question, or asking the question backwards-like. And, second, well, there's no second. So, what I re-discovered is something that Walter Liederman mentioned to me in passing before I evened formed a question: Spatial Computers and Clayton Shaw. Good thing I didn't actually but anything else yet. It's not too late for this boy. Thank you for your indulgence, and that's all folks.
The DAC-1/STP-SE combo will be superior to using the DAC-2 as a DAC/Pre. Not a night and day difference, but it is noticeable. Most notably in bass, dimensionality, and dynamics.