Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?

Hi , I live in an area where its difficult to demo the really high end digital gear. Honestly I dont mind paying a high price for CDP Playback , but w/o a demo , Im wondering if its worth it. Let me define worth it if I may. Will a top of the Line Wadia for example sound clearly better than say a Rega , or a Sony ES. Im not expecting it to trounce it, Im just asking if you have the bucks , is the improvement clearly audible ? Im looking for warm ,detailed involving sound, my speakers are Electrostats, Amp top of the Line Sunfire. Appreciate your thoughts .

Showing 2 responses by bigkidz

Yes it will sound better, worth the extra dollars that is your call. I recently compared the Wadia 861 basic to the Accuphase DP-77 SACD/CD and Resolution Audio Opus 21. The Wadia was more refined, smoother sounding with an excellent soundstage compared to the others, the Opus 21 with a Black Mamba power cord was close behind and was not overall as refined sounding and maybe a tad more dynamic than the Wadia and it is a lot less, I could live with it. I found the Accuphase to be less dynamic and boring sounding to my ears. I recently had this discussion with another Audiogon member who purchased the Accupahse and they could not be happier with it and they have had more CDPs in their system then I have, so go figure.

Happy Listening.
Mefge03 is correct, about the Wadia 861 SE. But like I already said the 861 basic is a great player and is not the digital sounding Wadia that some think about other Wadia CDPs.

Happy Listening.