Walker Valid Points or Mapleshade Footers for preamp?

I am looking for place some brass cones under a tube preamp. Is one product better then another for this purposes or does this matter more equipment with more moving parts?

2 questions:
1) Where do you find this HRS M3? Is there a website for it?
2) Are you using the HRS on the Solidtech?

I just brought back the MS Heavyfeet v3 and the low Heavyfeet and put them under my phono and the Audio Magic Eclipse PLC. The feet sit directly on a wood floor. The sound is breathtaking - similar effect to the Walker VP. My WVP are under the ModWright preamp directly on 1" MDF. I tried the pucks, but it distracted from the immediacy I got when it was directly on the MDF. Have not A-B them yet.

1.Audio Federation in CO. is the Distributor. Google HRS M3.
2. Yes. Spacer and Couplers with the M3. Used M3's are $1200.00 on the 'Gon. It must be the right weight allowed for each componant. Once heard you will be addicted to it. Out the door with the WVP & MSF.

FOR SALE MS Heavyfeet v3 and low Heavyfeet.

The M3 goes up for sale and sits on the 'Gon and rots as everyone buys the WVP And MSF. =8^)
Thanks for the link Hotbird. Nice to see you here. ;)

I would suggest that you try to listen to the MSF and WVP on a solid wood support(they were designed this way) - preferably as heavy as you can find. The effect is very different if you hear it on the Solidtech stuff.

FYI, I had 2 sets of Feet of Silence, but got rid of them after trying the Nordost Ti Pulsar points, and later WVP/MSF. The later are clearly superior to the Solidtech stuff especially if your system has deep bass.

I tossed the FOS also. Trash.

I had the MSF on a MS 4" maple plateform. Sold it all.

JUNK. Toss it. Get rid of it.

Buy a HRS M3.