Wanted: Suggestions for driving Celestion SL600 Speakers!

Just got an older pair of Celestion SL600 Speakers that I will keep and build my main system around. I am downsizing from Eaglestonworks Rosa speakers, so I am used to great sound. I tried the SL600's with two different amps, a Rogue Stereo 90 tube amp, and a Mark Levinson No. 23 solid state amp. With the Rogue Stereo 90, the Celestions came alive for vocals and solo piano, but then the sound became a bit grainy and broke down when playing large orchestral works. With the Levinson No. 23 the large orchestra works had a pure detailed and powerful sound that was very involving, but then the vocal and solo piano music no longer had the magic tone quality that the Rogue brought to it. 

So, I guess I am looking for an amp, preamp, or integrated amp that will bring me both of the positive qualities of the Rogue and Levinson amps. I am open to any suggestions that will get the SL600's to make magic. And I am wondering if any of the modern integrated amps with phono and DAC would be good options for the Celestions. Thanks for your help!

i briefly had a pair of the celestion years ago and remember they needed a ton of high-current power--they're very low sensitivity at 82 or so. i recall driving them with a parasound, which was very capable; i've also heard they sound good with krell. they were quite warm, so i'd want an amp that is more nuetral.
Call Mark O'Brien at Rogue and ask him about his newer integrateds. The tube magic that you found appealing will be there, but his gear has come a long way since they made the 90s. IIRC, those are pretty efficient speakers and don't need a ton of power. 
I bought a pair years ago for my mom, and set her up with Rotel separates which were decent on my budget and ergonomically simple to use for her, but the options you've considered already are probably both better than the Rotels. Cheers,