What are important features in a listening chair

Been wondering what features are important to you in a listening chair. 

(Besides the drink holder and familiar smell...)
They say the Poang is wrong for listening but my experience says otherwise. There's this audio dealer close to where I live and he's got some very high end gear and he has at least one Poang chair. When I sit in it, the sound is as clear and pristine as the other two chairs he has. 

Maybe if you were behind it, it would interfere with your hearing but it works for me. In fact, there are times when I wished I'd got a few of them and saved a bundle over what I bought.

All the best,
Ah, I see there are skeptics regarding the IKEA Poang Chair. Excellent, excellent. Here’s what you can do. Take the Poang Chair completely out of the room. Replace it with a chair that does not (rpt not) have a lot of foam in it, an plain ordinary chair. Now, you tell me if the sound is not better without the Poang Chair. Clearer and more musical. It’s not rocket science. 🚀
I looked at all the links posted, but NONE are what I would call hi-end audio approved

IMHO, the ideal chair has a mesh seat and back PLUS a small but adjustable (fore and aft) head rest

I bought one from Azon but the articulating head does not come forward enough to cradle my head and remove the strain for long listening sessions

FYI have you tried the cup your ears experiment. That's pretty amazing
Interestingly, the cup your ears trick doesn't work once you've straightened out the dynamic range in your system. 
Mine must be hosed cos my ear cupping focusses cymbals like a miracle tweak. I just dumped the foamy cushion backrest. It hurts but sounds better.