What are some of the better tuners out there?

What are some of the better tuners out there? I am enjoying my Magnum Dynalab MD106T. I find myself at the mercy of reception and clean ac but when all is right the sound is quite nice. I’ve found good results with Amperage tubes but I find tubes too inconvenient in that they burn out too quickly. 
I owned 3 Magnum Dynalab tuners and was happy with them until I got a Mac tuner.  Better in every respect, especially the sound.  Its what analog should sound like.
The Marantz st6000 was a great under rated tuner. I still got mine and the reception is fantastic with a winegard attic mounted antenna. Another great tuner was the Cambridge Audio t500, got 2 of those. I also own the Creek t43, which is essentially the same tuner as the t500, but with upgraded components. Lastly, I have an old school Kenwood 4007. 
A pal swore by his Naim NAT01 with NAPST psu. Thing is, a tuner needs a good antenna otherwise you are wasting your time. I use a radio app on my phone now.
I find myself needing to replace my tubes every 4 months or so and I don’t use my tuner that much. I have sent in my tuner to Magnum Dynalab several times in the last 12 years for various maintenance repairs but the tuner has been fine for several years now just needing to have the tubes replaced from time to time. I like the sound of my tuner and I will keep my tuner as it is. 

something is wrong, very wrong, with your equipment, tester, or ...

these tubes last avg. 10,000 hours.

Audio Classics just overhauled my 1962 tube tuner/preamp, 17 tubes, some appear to be original. They all tested good on my tester before I sent it. They all tested good there, none replaced. They said they most often find no bad tubes.