What are the best amps for B&W N802's?

Would appreciate your opinion on the best amp setup for my B&W N802's. I don't want to play them particularly loud but still want as broad a sonic signature as possible. Every one says they need lots of juice - why is this?
There is no definitive "best" of anything. There are way too many variables involved. The "best" you can hope for is to find something that works well in your system. You can then say it's the "best" for you until you find something you think is better !!!!
McCormack DNA-750s, 650-Watt monoamps. The best I've ever heard, and I too didn't think I needed that much power.
There is a definitive answer. The best amplifier for the B&W N802 speakers is the.................wait for it...................wait for it...............the deHavilland 50A's, first made by Fischer in the 1950's and reissued by deHavilland Electric Amplifier Company.

Any questions?
There is no "Best" for this speaker. You can drive these speakers with as little as an 10 watt per channel Ipod integrated amplifier or 500 watt plus amps. The key questions you need to answer are how loud you want to play and how much bass do you desire. I have used 802's and 800's with flea powered tube amps, 150 watt tube amps, and solid state amps with satisfactory results. I love the harmony of tube amps with these speakers, I currently use 150 watt per channel tube amps from Germany. Good luck
