What are the sexiest components ever made?

As Enzo Ferrari had said that the XKE was the most beautiful/sexiest car ever made (his opinion, not mine).  How about high end audio products?  There have to be some that sex was thought about by the designers?  

Not the most exotic, but like a classic Mercedes or Packard,..there is a reason the Linn 12 has been around as long as it has.  Yamaha had that slanted cassette deck, and I hope you can add to this list and, if possible, add a photo. 

 I think a young Barbi Benton holding even an 8-track player would be very attractive. 
Speaking of smart sockets, everyone is certainly not unfamiliar, but most consumers only stay in the category of "heard of", and very few have bought and used them. Compared with the US Remote Outlet domestic market, the development abroad is more mature, and consumers' recognition of smart home products is relatively higher.
jameswei870 posts

That Empire turntable was my first hifi lust.  I never owned one, but it had a look that said, "class". 

@joysjane1 fully agree with you.
this forum is valuable and good but needs to be upgraded to a better community product. something modern with all the features like 
