What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)?

I'm looking for Vandersteen Quatro CT, Wilson Sabrina or DeVore Fidelity Orangutan 0/93 or 0/96. I rarely find it or in some cases, before I make an offer, it is gone. What other speakers are a rare find?
Ag insider logo xs@2xkarurravi
I haven't been looking really hard for these but I don't even see used Spendor D7's come up often in the US.
I almost never see Sonus Faber Extremas for sale here on Audiogon, or anywhere else for that matter.
Maybe is not related to main question but what is your criteria when you’re looking for 2nd speakers, how old is considered as good buy?
If you want a set of Devore 0/93, 0/96 (not sure which he has, most likely the older version) I have a local dealer who has a rather good deal on a demo set.
ditto I think Hawthorne in Seattle might have two pair of used Devore

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