I recently bought the Ultra DMC 2.0 which, as mrmojo said, is basically the same as the ultra monos. I did a direct comparison with the Hifi Rose 180 integrated GaN amp and I didn't notice much of a difference. The mids were slightly better on the Hifi Rose. I've kept both and use them in different rooms but the differences are negligible. I use the starkrimson in a room where the components aren't really on view/display where I needed them to be closer to the speakers, and the Hifi Rose is in a room where it also does double duty as a conversation piece for guests due to its striking (some might say polarizing) look.
What are your thoughts/opinions on the Orchard Audio Starkrimson Mono Ultra Premium
Has anyone listened to the new Orchard Audio Starkrimson Mono Ultra Premium? If not, do you have enough experience with Orchard Audio products that one can describe their "house sound"?
What's the best way to build enough confidence that it's the right amp for you to pre-order it?
Any comparisons to AGD, Atma-Sphere, PS Audio, or other leading Class D amps are much appreciated.