What did I do??

Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers.

I ordered a pair of Tekton Design Moab Speakers.

Am I going to be disappointed? 
"...Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers..."

Did you need the money?
"The best speaker is the one YOU personally like!"

What a concept!    

Now I get it! All good audiophiles are supposed to stress and fret neurotically over every little thing, or even better act like they don’t really care at all. To build a system by their rules is to ride the Loopy-Logic Rollercoaster where the tickets cost a small fortune but you never let on you enjoyed the ride. It shoulda been longer. Shorter. Faster. Slower. Louder. Quieter. Flatter. Loopier. Nope, sorry. Can’t get no loopier! We do it for the love of it, but must never let on that we actually do love it. Here we go loop-de-loo! Here we go loop-de-lie!
’’Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me in audio, I thought I would sell my Wilson Sophia speakers and see the watery part of the world."

All the best,
I probably wouldn't have sold the Chronosonic so quickly. You should have given them more than two months.