What did I do??

Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers.

I ordered a pair of Tekton Design Moab Speakers.

Am I going to be disappointed? 
Yes but Blackhawk not Reflection. Probably nowhere near as good but pretty darn good for the money and also nowhere near as expensive so all in all I'm happy. 20W with Moab is plenty, that's for sure!  

We had a bunch over recently and I was able to hear a 37wpc SET amp with my Moabs, and then the same amp/preamp with his Tekton Pendragon XL, so I now have good experience with two different Tekton speakers and they are remarkably similar. Brandon has upgraded his crossovers similar to mine and so pretty soon I will have a good comparison on that as well.  

They are similarly easy to enjoy and definitely do things other speakers cannot touch. And would you believe, of all the people to not cut the boxes up, mine are still in one piece. Rent free. Heh.
I have owned the Moabs with BE tweeters and upgraded capacitors for ten months now.  Fabulous speakers and they will improve for about 100 hours of burn in.  

I have had a bunch of other speakers in my system and the Moabs were better than all of them but I haven't had significantly more expensive speakers so a couple of months ago I went and listened to the Wilson Sasha DAWs.  Those were the first speakers I have heard that were definitely better than the Moabs.  They are also $38K.  In the hope of finding a similar improvement for much less money, I recently purchased the Wilson Watt Puppy 7s.  I have had those set up in my second system for a couple of weeks now.  I don't think I have them really dialed in yet.  I think the sound of the Watt Puppy's is actually quite close to the Moabs.  They seem to have a bit more detail but at the cost of a thinner, less dense sound and a smaller sound stage.  So far I still prefer the Moabs but as I said, I don't think I have the Watt Puppy's in their final position.  

I have no idea how the Watt Puppy's compare to the Sophia's.  I will say I didn't like the Sabrina's at all.  It doesn't surprise me to learn that you prefer the Moabs to the Sophia's.  

All the Tekton haters on hear seem to love to vehemently share their opinions without having any real basis for them.  The Moabs, in particular, are excellent speakers and a remarkable value.  
OP: Congratulations on finding speakers that bring out the best of your music. Enjoy!

When your Wilsons are properly dialed in, the music will float in 3D space - with a wide & deep sound stage. ½” makes a significant difference. It’s that time alignment thing. These furniture sliders are great for repositioning – discovered by @tvad. Moving them out from the wall also helps a lot. Thinner, less dense SQ might be a cabling issue.
@steakster I definitely need to play around with the positioning.  And the fact that they only take spades meant none of my existing speaker cables worked and I still need to optimize that.  And the speakers didn't come with spikes so they are flush with the carpet which makes them easier to move around but that can't be optimal for the sound.  Obviously, I bought the Watt Puppy 7's in the hope that they would be better than the Moabs and I still haven't ruled that out.  
As far as I refinement Wilson is much better imo
build quality  and parts quality  No comparison ..