What did Shahinian Obelisks cost in the late 1980s

Been thinking of selling my pair that I bought in the late 1980s but honestly forgot what I paid for them. Anyone remember what they went for back then?

My memory is pretty hazy, but I believe they were in the $2500-2700 range back then. Sadly, I just recycled my old Audio magazine bible from back then!
The "Audio" magazine annual equipment directories for October, 1985, and October, 1986, list them at $1600/pair, presumably in the standard wood finish.

A 1991 Orion blue book I have lists them as having sold originally at $2050/pair in walnut & oak, and at $2350/pair in rosewood. What year of manufacture that applies to is not clear, as the only year of manufacture that is indicated is 1977.

Hope that helps. Regards,
-- Al
In 1993, Obelisks sold for $2600! This was probably the biggest steal in audio.
In the '80's, the price was something below that.
New price now, factory direct, is $7000. They debuted in 1977(?) for $1800.
I don't want to hijack the thread, but I've always been curious about these speakers. What's so special about them? Thanks.