What digital cable between levinson 360s and 37?

I have the MDC-1 and have tried an st optical but whatelse is good without going crazy? thsk chucker
I have the 36 and 37. So far, the best with this combination is the Audioquest Falcon. I don't think it's made any longer, but I've tried the Orchid, Cardas AES/EBU, and the Falcon. The Orchid was too lean and the Cardas was just a little soft in the bass. The Falcon had the detail of the Orchid and was not soft in the bass.
When I had my 360S, I found that an ATT glass cable was the best: Audioquest's optima.
I have the 37/360S combo and much prefer the Cardas AES/EBU to the very analytic Madrigal MDC-1. I agree with Rives that the Cardas is a little soft in the bass, but it is also very musical in all other respects, and after I tried it I quit lookong. Cheers. Craig
I use a Transparent Referenece AES/EBU between my 360S and 37 and have never looked back.