what do I upgrade?

Current system
wadia 302
marantz vc 5400
krell showcase pre/pro
krell kav 3250
adcom 5400
wilson sophia
wilson cub II(as center)
snell sr30 surround speakers
all nordost red dawn cables

System originally started as HT but I want to improve on the 2 channel side. What would be optimal path in upgrade? Should I start in pre amp or upgrade amp? What models should I be looking into?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

Nice System !!

If you are really feeling the upgrade bug, I would change the Krells.

COnsider Pass Labs, Gryphon, GOldmund or ... Naim (works great with Wilson)

First off, you have what appears to be a pretty nice system. (If you haven't installed dedicated circuits, start there. Once you have a good system, invest in that. I just did and it made a big improvement.)

However, my question is: What don't you like about your system?

If one particular piece seems like a weak link, there is your answer.

If it were me, and I liked my system and was just looking around for something to spend my money on (and aren't we all, since this is our hobby!?), I would suggest giving analog a shot. (Again, assuming you have already addressed the power conditioning issue.)

For a few grand, you can get a pretty decent used analog setup and try it out. Who knows you might like it?!
If not, sell it. (If you guy used, you can get away without losing too much, if anything.)

Good Luck in your search!
IMHO, Your source and speakers are great. The amp is acceptable. The Showcase Pre/Pro, ehh, didnt do wonders for me in 2 channel. So that is where I would start.

All the above are correct as well. AC conditioning, room treatments, or maybe a try a few different cables... To see what you like and tweak things a bit. Though Kurt has it right. Knowing what specifically you dont like will solicit the most informed responses.
Thank you for your reponses. It is hard for me to discribe in words. My system sounds "light" (not bright) and hi-fi like. I am looking for more "oomph" (sorry I cannot come up with any other word). Also, when listening to say 1812 overture, it sounds little congested and the separation between the instruments are not very distinct. I want the sounds to move me. Not just hear all the details. Hope this is clear.