what do I upgrade?

Current system
wadia 302
marantz vc 5400
krell showcase pre/pro
krell kav 3250
adcom 5400
wilson sophia
wilson cub II(as center)
snell sr30 surround speakers
all nordost red dawn cables

System originally started as HT but I want to improve on the 2 channel side. What would be optimal path in upgrade? Should I start in pre amp or upgrade amp? What models should I be looking into?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

IMHO, Your source and speakers are great. The amp is acceptable. The Showcase Pre/Pro, ehh, didnt do wonders for me in 2 channel. So that is where I would start.

All the above are correct as well. AC conditioning, room treatments, or maybe a try a few different cables... To see what you like and tweak things a bit. Though Kurt has it right. Knowing what specifically you dont like will solicit the most informed responses.
Thank you for your reponses. It is hard for me to discribe in words. My system sounds "light" (not bright) and hi-fi like. I am looking for more "oomph" (sorry I cannot come up with any other word). Also, when listening to say 1812 overture, it sounds little congested and the separation between the instruments are not very distinct. I want the sounds to move me. Not just hear all the details. Hope this is clear.
Given your response as to what you are hearing, I advise the following:

One, get the dedicated circuits. This WILL help with the bass. It did with my stereo. Plus it provides a blacker background, which allows the music to come through cleaner. (I have the Revel Studios, which are pretty similar to your Wilson Sophias, so I think it will do the same thing for you.) You might also try to adjust the room accoustics. (Sometimes this is not possible, as there is the W.A.F. to consider, as in my case!)

After having done that, listen to stereo again, and see if this works. If not, I would consider replacing either the source (your Wadia) or your pre/pro. (Note: I am not a huge Krell fan, but if you like the sound of their amps, stick with it. me, I am a Levinson fan, so what do I know, huh?!)

If it were me, I would replace the pre/pro, but that would mess up your HT setup, wouldn't it?! I would consider a dedicated two channel preamp, possibly a tube one, as they can inject some life back into the music.

Or..... You can try an analog setup and see if that is what you are missing. (Yeah, I'm harping on that again. If you haven't tried analog (seriously tried it), and you are serious about having the music sound special, give it a shot. It really turned me back on to listening to music again.)

Anyway, my two cents worth. Good Luck in your quest!

PS If you want to try a different source, I recommend the Resolution Audio Opus 21. It is the best, most analog sounding CD player I have heard, that is reasonably priced. (Reasonably priced for us Audiophiles anyway.)
I have to agree with the majority above - Dedicated circuits and power conditioning, as well as room acoustics. Addressing each link of the audio chain will maximize the potential of your components. If you do this and are then still not satisfied, then work on the components and/or synergy of your system.

Just my opinion, but that is what I would (and did) do. :o)
I agree with several other posters above regarding the dedicated circuits/lines and line-conditioning.

However, I would specifically suggest Foundation Research LC-1 and LC-2 line-conditioners. These are both passive (no current draw onto themselves) and dedicated to one per component (what else would you use with dedicated lines?) and bi-directional filtering (mandatory for those with a digital source).

In addition, I would suggest some serious experimenting with vibration control ie de-coupling v. coupling racking systems, speaker platforms, etc..

Without properly addressing the these absolutely foundational issues, I believe it is simply impossible to realize the full potential of any system.