It’s what we don’t know (scientifically measured) but feel/sense that can make a difference.What we feel in listening must be CORRELATED by concrete change, modification or experiment....Or measures if possible...Our sixth sense is often a response not always the initiator of the experience...
We listen perhaps by a magical individual connection but also with for example acoustical and psycho acoustical law we can use and control...
The "gist" of the matter is relating feeling and thinking in one perceiving act...Not rejecting one for the other...
The war between subjectivist and objectivist is the result of a childish philosophical perspective... i reject each one in his narrow corner or introduce each one to the other for a dialogue.......
then correcting your affirmation i will add that it is also what we could learn, what we know that ALSO can make a difference...
There is NO magical "tweaks"...
There is only controls in the working embeddings dimensions related to ANY audio system...
But why some of these "controls device" work sometimes is not always very clear "scientifically"...
Anyway even if you cannot measure all there is and even if some phenomenon could not be measured for sure, we must work with the feeling and the thinking process together not one against the other....