What does a subwoofer solve?

My previous amps were BHK 300 mono blocks.  The bass they provided for my Monitor Audio PL 300ii speakers was exceptional.  For several reasons I replaced the BHKs with a Luxman M900u.  Very happy with the new amp, except for disappointing bass performance.  Would a set of good subwoofers help resolve this, or do subwoofers only address a lack of bass in standard speakers?

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.


How many hours have you logged on the Luxman? Sure it’s broken in? 

Those BHK 300s look pretty beastly. Maybe they just have better bass control?


Properly integrated sub can sound amazing. Kinda difficult to get there but not impossible. If the room allows maybe consider a swarm type setup. Never heard one but from most accounts it’s a great way to get amazing evenly distributed bass. 

I too am skeptical that the Luxman doen't provide enough bass.  So I'll make a blind suggestion, which may not be the answer but is something to look at.

Every amp has different power requirements.  It is possible that whatever power cords, power filters, etc you have feeding your amp are adequate for the old amp but not adequte for your new amp.  If there isn't enough instantaneous power availble it will show first in the bass.  This has nothing to do with the nameplate ratings on the amp and conditioner.

Thanks for all of the input.  I found a local dealer who will let me borrow a pair of subs for a couple of days, so will probably take that route to start.

As to comments about doubting the Luxman doesn't have enough bass, I've seen it mentioned elsewhere, by other owners, that they too wish for a bit more in the bass.  Perhaps if I hadn't heard it right after the BHKs, I wouldn't know the difference.

But on several recordings, what was clear and dynamic in the bass on the BHKs isn't here with the Luxman.  I've had it almost a year, so completely settled by now. I made no changes to anything except swapping the amps.  The BHKs draw more power than the Luxman, so I don't think that's the issue either

Luxman M900u.  Very happy with the new amp, except for disappointing bass performance.

My experience with Luxman was the same. That was in the late 80's. I hated every minute with the Lux. It had no bass line , just a constant thump from the bass drum. And it didn't sound correct.. I  cringe even today when I see the name yet it seems to be popular. I think this is because there was a great push for midrange clarity back in the 80's at the expense of the bass. Indeed the bass was often over blown prior to that. And maybe the mids weren't as prominent as many are today. But  the problem with change is often the pendulum swings  to the opposite extreme.That's where we are today IMO

IMO, the question becomes can the subwoofer put out what is Not fed to it? NO. And if you have the same issue that I had, where there was very little to no bass line at all, then I don't know if the sub will give it to you.. I sold my Lux  within 6 months. Good luck

BTW a good sub will enhance all the frequencies of the music and make the main speakers sound bigger.